It’s Thanksgiving again. A time to stuff ourselves, watch some serious football (well, some football anyway), and be thankful. It got me thinking: what do I, as a blogger on legal technology and innovation, have to be thankful for this year (beyond, of course, my tech toys lol).
So, here are my top 10 things I’m thankful for this year:
I’m thankful that so much money is now flowing into legal tech. There’s a ton of money being invested in start-ups and existing legal tech companies. I’m happy for my friends in the legal tech community who are finally reaping some just rewards for all their hard work and entrepreneurship. And it’s creating excitement in the field I haven’t seen before.
While I’m certainly not thankful for the pandemic, I am grateful and enthused to see how quickly lawyers moved to technology. Technology that enabled them to continue working and even thrive in ways which no one would have thought possible pre-pandemic.
I’m thankful there is an explosion of legal work that needs to be done and that associates, for once, are in a bargaining position for their services. It’s about time law firms, and irascible partners create and maintain better and more hospitable workplaces. They better if they want to get and maintain talent.
I’m thankful for remote work gaining a foothold in the legal industry in ways that will probably never disappear. Remote work creates opportunities for every individual lawyer to work where and when best suits their needs. There’s a lot to be said for freedom and autonomy.I’m grateful for the friendships and insights I have gained
I’m grateful for the friendships and insights I have gained
I’m thankful for the opportunities the virtual world has created. The online