Survey Reveals The New Face of Law Firm Marketing: Zoom Meetings and Digital Content

This post was originally published on this siteCOVID was not kind to law firm marketing and business development, with two-thirds of firms reporting that business development was more difficult in 2020, and the overwhelming majority of firms pivoting their marketing strategies, turning from live conferences and face-to-face meetings to social media, email alerts and Zoom. […]

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2021 Greenberg Traurig Equal Justice Works Law Fellows to Tackle…

This post was originally published on this siteIn the fall of 2021, seven new Greenberg Traurig Equal Justice Works Fellows will commence their two-year fellowships tackling racial, economic, and social justice issues in underserved communities,… (PRWeb May 27, 2021) Read the full story at

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Greenberg Traurig Attorneys Represent Flora Growth Corp. in $16.7…

This post was originally published on this siteGlobal law firm Greenberg Traurig, P.A. advised Flora Growth Corp., an all-outdoor cultivator and manufacturer of cannabis-derived products and brands, in its initial public stock offering which… (PRWeb May 27, 2021) Read the full story at

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