Greenberg Traurig Guides Miami’s Development as Technology and…

This post was originally published on this siteAs Miami has grown as a hub for technology and innovation in the last decade, global law firm Greenberg Traurig, P.A. has established itself as the go-to firm for technology law and venture capital… (PRWeb April 24, 2023) Read the full story at

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Greenberg Traurig’s Laura Foote Reiff to Serve on George…

This post was originally published on this siteLaura Foote Reiff, co-managing shareholder of the Northern Virginia office and shareholder of the Immigration & Compliance Practice of global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP, was appointed to the… (PRWeb April 24, 2023) Read the full story at

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Labor Law Firms Zakay Law Group, APLC and JCL Law Firm, APC File Class…

This post was originally published on this siteThe lawsuit alleges DWWH, Inc. dba Weir Canyon Honda violated the California Labor Code by failing to provide employees with timely, off-duty meal and rest periods. (PRWeb April 24, 2023) Read the full story at

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Disrupting the Harm in the Digital Age with Kathryn Kosmides of Garbo

This post was originally published on this siteDisruption Interruption podcast host and veteran communications disruptor, Karla Jo Helms, recently sat down with Kathryn Kosmides, founder and CEO of Garbo, to examine the impact of digital harm… (PRWeb April 24, 2023) Read the full story at

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Attorneys, at Blumenthal Nordrehaug Bhowmik De Blouw LLP, File Suit…

This post was originally published on this siteCommunity Hospice, Inc. allegedly failed to properly record employees time worked, which resulted in allegedly paying employees inaccurate wages. (PRWeb April 24, 2023) Read the full story at

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