Not long ago, I climbed on my soapbox about the lack of diversity among speakers at a recent technology conference I attended. Here’s the picture that prompted that post.
At the risk of revisiting this, I have had three recent experiences that brought to mind related issues of women, how men treat and view them and more particularly what the legal profession is or should be doing about our embarrassing women and diversity problem.
Recent Conversations
First, I had a conversation a few days ago a female colleague and friend that I respect, have had a lot of laughs and serious conversations with and who views the world in a no bullshit kind of way. In short, a kindred soul. Some time ago she had ended a relationship, and after reflecting on it, she told me she had concluded she was sick of men and their power plays and mind games. (Actually, her assessment was a little more blunt: most men are just assholes).
She had decided not to waste any more time in developing and nurturing relationships with men other than those who just want to be friends (Quick: if you are a male reader and your first thought was the saying that men can’t be friends with women, you aren’t alone, but you are part of the problem). She wasn’t so much sad or mad, by the way, just resigned.
Another woman friend is facing a crumbling marriage. The problem: her husband’s demand for power and control over her is suffocating and stifling her options and ability to grow. He can’t seem to accept her as a strong, independent woman who should and wants to be an equal partner in the relationship. On the other hand, she feels guilty about the growing chasm; she’s made to feel she