An Invitation to Authors: Share Your Legal Tech Insights, Experiences and Expertise on LawNext

This post was originally published on this site

Something I hear repeatedly from legal professionals is that it is difficult to find articles that provide practical guidance on choosing, implementing and using legal tech.

With our recent launch of the LawNext Legal Technology Directory, one of our goals has been to help fill this gap by building a robust, freely accessible resource center with truly practical articles by legal tech experts and users.

Surprisingly, current articles of this type can be hard to find. Bar publications often have terrific pieces on legal tech, but their publications come out only monthly, at best, with maybe one tech article per issue. Searching the archives of a popular commercial legal tech publication, I found some great examples of these types of articles, but most were way out of date – some written a decade ago or more.

So here is my invitation: Help us fill this gap.

Soon we will launch a new version of the LawNext directory that will feature a resource center of practical articles on legal tech – articles that will help lawyers choose and use tech products, written by experts in technology as well as by those who’ve used the tech in the trenches of legal practice.

I’m sure you know the types of articles I mean: product reviews, product comparisons, buyer guides, tips and tricks, how-to guides, best practices, case studies, trend analysis, and more.

Become A LawNext Author

I am inviting you to become a LawNext author – of a single piece, several pieces, or an entire series of pieces. You can suggest the topic that interests you or, if you prefer, I am happy to assign one.

All I ask is that you be either:

  • Someone with expertise in legal tech, such as a consultant, advisor, developer, educator, vendor, or otherwise, or
  • A user of legal tech with hands-on experience with the tech you write about.

Importantly, articles should be non-commercial. We welcome vendors to contribute, as they clearly have expertise in their areas of tech, but we will not accept vendor-written pieces that are salesy or promotional.

Authors and articles will be highlighted in multiple ways. In addition to publication in the resources directory, each article will also be highlighted on my blog, and selected articles will be featured in my email newsletters. Each author will have an author page highlighting their bio and the pieces they contribute.

If this interests you, reach out to me at I can provide more details, including specific ideas and guidance on article topics, format and length.

I would be honored to have your byline among those we feature. And you would be helping other legal professionals by filling the gap in practical information about legal technology.

By the way, if you would rather write just a short review of a product you have used, you can do that here.