Featured Resource: Artificial Intelligence 101: Introducing AI into Contract Management

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Each week, we’re highlighting one of the resources from the LawSites Resource Center, a library of downloadable content such as ebooks, white papers, case studies and more from experts and vendors in the legal industry.

This week’s featured resource:

White Paper: Artificial Intelligence 101: Introducing AI into Contract Management.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is already sharpening professional best practices across a variety of industries – including contract management. Read this free white paper to learn how revolutionary advancements in AI are extremely advantageous to contract management solutions – if corresponding AI tools are fed a nutritious diet of contract data

Learn how to convert static documents into dynamic assets by:

  • Streamlining Data Extraction and Identification.
  • Enhancing Risk Identification and Prevention.
  • Visualizing Risk with Mapping and Assessment Tools.
  • Identifying Sensitive Data.
  • Improving Contract Oversight.
  • Promoting Opportunity Realization.

Publisher: Cobblestone Software.