For Second Year In A Row, Relativity Announces New Pricing For Its SaaS Product

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The e-discovery technology company Relativity is today announcing a new payment and pricing model for its cloud-based SaaS product RelativityOne.

Under the new model, customers can now choose a pay-as-you-go pricing plan, under which they will pay for the software month-to-month based on utilization, measured by quantity of data and number of users.

It was one year ago, almost to the day, that Relativity last announced new pricing and licensing options for RelativityOne. The changes last year reduced data fees by half, introduced a more flexible billing model, and created a special licensing option for e-discovery service providers.

This time, Relativity says that the decision to adopt new pricing was driven by two factors. First, it wanted to align its pricing more closely with SaaS and cloud providers. Second, its customers had been asking for a new RelativityOne pricing model.

“This new pricing model will make it easier for all customers to benefit from RelativityOne,” Nick Robertson, Relativity’s chief operating officer, said during a media briefing Monday. “We see the market continuing to shift towards SaaS because of security, rapid innovation, and scale and performance that are not possible with an on-premises installation.”

Pay-As-You-Go Pricing

The new payment model will be available to customers beginning Feb. 17. It will allow customers to opt for pay-as-you-go pricing, which will mean that they pay for the software month-to-month based on utilization.

Relativity will also continue to offer a flex-commit subscription model, which it said provides discounts of up to 25% over the pay-as-you-go pricing. Under that model, the customer’s users and data are evaluated each month and pricing adjusted accordingly.

The advantage of pay-as-you-go for some customers will be that they can use RelativityOne without committing to a large upfront investment or a long-term subscription.

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