Four Things I (Re)Learned About Blogging 2021

Tech Law Crossroads
This post was originally published on this site

Well, I did it. Sort of. At the beginning of 2021, I set a goal of posting once a week on this blog. I didn’t hit a post every week, but I ended up posting 52 times for an average of once per week. I hit my goal despite a lengthy hospital stay of someone close in early 2021, a personal bout of breakthrough Covid, and numerous other minor and not so minor setbacks, slights, and ups and downs.


Some posts I know were better than others. Some too long. Some too short. Some made little sense, but some, a precious few, were pretty good, I think.


In retrospect, I learned (or maybe relearned) four things about blogging in 2021.


First, as with most things in life, it’s good to have a goal when it comes to blogging. A goal that may not be easy but which is achievable with enough perseverance and discipline. Having a goal gets you moving. Having and meeting a goal somehow takes away some of the sting and trauma with which life sometimes hits you. It forces you not to dwell too much on what can’t be changed and more on what you can control: achieving your goal. And thank you, gentle readers, for your support in 2021. Lots of days, especially with Covid, I didn’t feel like writing but knowing you were there, and reading got me moving toward my goal.


Second, like lots of things, writing is uneven. Like I said above, some of my posts weren’t too good. But I have learned with writing, it is unrealistic to expect to hit a home run every time. You have to keep trying if you want to hit a sweet spot now and then. You cant be too hard on