Guess Who’s Coming to AALL! 14 First Time Exhibitors Offer Business Intelligence, Workflow, KM, IP, Transactional, Litigation and International Solutions

This post was originally published on this site

There is no question that the most exciting place at AALL is the Exhibit Hall. Connect with old friends, schmooze with vendors, learn about exciting new features and products. 2022 is the first live, post pandemic AALL conference. I am anticipating that a highly energized crowd will be streaming through the exhibit hall. I asked Pablo Arredondo the Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Casetext – a relatively new AALL exhibitor – to explain the value of being at AALL. “From our earliest product, CARA, to our most recent one, AllSearch, the exhibit hall at AALL is one of the best places for Casetext to evangelize new technology.  It has been critical to our success to date.”

Mark Torchiana, Co-Founder and CEO of Courtroom Insight planned to exhibit for the first time in 2020 but when the conference went virtual, he decided to wait for the first in-person conference.  “This year, we are very excited for the conference to be in person and look forward to showcasing our numerous new integrations at the event.  The timing is right for us because our customer base has grown (40 of the Amlaw 200 firms) along with the number of software integration partners. We continue to focus on KM and analytics about experts, arbitrators, judges and soon attorneys.  And we are perfectly positioned to help marry private, internal content to external data sources via our application and our soon to be announced APIs. “

It is hard to categorize the 14 new exhibitors. Many companies support some form of research, but there is no clear demarcation between research, KM, business intelligence and workflow solutions. Analytics, AI and API’s – once considered cutting edge – stream through most product offerings. Specialized resources for litigation, IP, securities, international and transactional practices are represented in the list.

To read full post at Legal Tech Hub and learn about the 14 new exhibitors  click here