Today Lex Machina, a LexisNexis company, is releasing a new tool for competitive insights called “Litigation Footprint.” Lex Machina now includes litigation analytics from over 27 million cases filed in 94 federal district courts and over 1,300 state courts in 34 states and the District of Columbia. The Litigation Footprint enhancement was developed in response to customer demand for deeper party level analysis tools.
Since its launch in 2010 as a platform for analyzing IP litigation, Lex Machina has continuously raised the bar for the legal analytics market. The Lex Machina platform combines natural language processing, machine learning, human curation, data normalization and extensive tagging of data elements to improve precision and granularity of research results and reporting.
.Litigation Footprint focuses on the litigation histories of corporate entities in order to enable lawyers to quickly get a high level overview of a party’s litigation footprint across the United States.

Litigation Footprint deepens Lex Machina tagging by layering in additional data for company and industry insights. Each company is now tagged with NAIC industry codes, Headquarters location data and an expandable list of affiliations. These enhancements allow users to combine data for litigation history a company plus any additional affiliates they select. This data can be compared by industry and across jurisdictions.

Litigation Footprint Notable features
- Provides two maps of litigation track records with scaled box maps colored coded by litigation volume
- Includes tables of the data underlying each map with names of courts and case counts
- Access a Litigation Footprint case list report for details on each case including court, case number, case title, filed on date, parties & roles
- Case search using filters for Industry, Party Code (NAICS), Employee Count, and HQ Country for Federal Legal Analytics search
- Case search using filters for Industry, Party Code (NAICS), and Employee Count for State Legal Analytics search
- Search via the Party Group Editor for companies with branches connecting affiliated entities
- Users can now view side-by-side comparisons of case data from federal and state courts
- Law Firm search with Clients lists
Dynamic Displays. Litigation data is displayed in a grid that loosely resembles a map of the United States. Each box in the grid represents a state and the color of the box changes depending on the comparative volume of litigation relative to other jurisdictions. Light blue indicates comparatively low numbers of cases to dark blue comparatively high numbers of cases.
Popular uses include choice of venue insights and mapping the litigation footprint of a potential client or adversary. Attorneys can instantly map the litigation history of parties in order to illuminate the relationships, trends, and insights for litigation strategy and business development.
“Litigation Footprint provides the ability to investigate the litigation track records for companies in over 1,330 state courts and 94 federal district courts encompassing 27 million cases. This enables you to craft successful litigation strategies, win cases, and close business by leveraging the broadest Legal Analytics coverage in the industry,” said Karl Harris, CEO of Lex Machina. “Only Lex Machina is able to leverage our graph of 134 million normalized names to discover the cases and venues in which a company has litigated. Our customers are always excited when we expand our Legal Analytics content coverage, and Litigation Footprint is one of the biggest coverage expansions in Lex Machina’s history.”