In my former life as a defense product liability lawyer, I was often called on by clients to evaluate the exposure and risk of a case. Or I might need to determine whether and how many similar cases there might be out there to better assess risk. Or I might want to know what experts to vet and hire. Obtaining this information wasn’t easy, however. It took time and patience and even then was not always complete. You had to look at a variety of sources in different places. Often the results allowed you to make little more than a wild ass guess.
That’s why the LexisNexis Product Liability Navigator, announced today, looks so promising. As most of you know, LexisNexis is a global provider of information and analytics. The Product Liability Navigator is the second Navigator offered by LexisNexis. The first being the Lexis Medical Navigator®.
The Product Liability Navigator is designed to be a one-stop platform for all relevant information about product liability cases.
The Product Liability Navigator is designed to be a one-stop platform for all relevant information about product liability cases. This information includes experts, verdicts and settlements, regulations, and recalls, among other things. I have seen the product and am impressed by it. It’s easy to use and intuitive.
But before I get into the particulars, I want to talk about the process that LexisNexis used to make this platform. I have often railed about legal tech products that are hard to use and learn. Most lawyers bill by the hour still. Every hour spent in training and trying to figure out how to use a legal tech product is money straight out of the pocket. I have seen too many legal tech developers who think because they practiced law