New and Hot At LegalWeek? Zero. Windtalker. LoopUp. And Casepoint

Tech Law Crossroads
This post was originally published on this site

So, as promised in my general post about LegalWeek last week, here are my thoughts about the three most innovative and relevant products I saw at this year’s Conference (plus one).

As I said before, none of the three is groundbreaking in and of themselves. None will change the way we fundamentally practice. But taken together and added to any number of other products that are designed to address particular pain points, they collectively move the needle in various ways from efficiency to life balance. This is what good product developers do: they find a problem and try to solve it. Forget saving the world.

In no particular order, here are the new, relevant and innovative products I found while trolling the LegalWeek exhibit floor last week:


Zero has been around for a bit; I first saw it at the ILTA conference last August. Zero offers an email management system that is designed to work with mobile devices. (It also provids similar features for desktops but really shines with mobile use. Zero provides predictive filing within subject matter folders from mobile devices. So, when an email arrives in your box on your phone, Zero can suggest its importance, tell you where it thinks it should be filed and even highlight important parts of the email.  Another handy feature: if you type and email address into the to line that Zero thinks might be a mistake, it will ask you before it send the email. Perhaps there are some (former?) lawyers at Wilmer Cutler who would like to try this out.  Yes, there are tools that do similar things from your desktop but I don’t know of any programs that can do this from mobile devices.

Why is Zero relevant? We do more and more things on mobile devices including