New Clearview Social Feature Uses ChatGPT to Help Law Firms ‘Shuffle’ A Variety of Social Media Posts

This post was originally published on this site

Clearview Social, an application for law firms to help their lawyers share content on social media, has launched a new feature, Social Shuffle, powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT, that automatically generates variations of a firm’s social media posts to “shuffle” the content the lawyers are posting.

The basic idea of Clearview Social is to allow a firm — generally its marketing department — to create a queue of content for the firm’s lawyers to share through their social networks.

Queued items get sent to attorneys in the firm by email or Slack. If the attorneys approve them, they can post them to LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter in one click.

With the new Social Shuffle feature, firms can use ChatGPT’s AI to generate variations on a post, so that every lawyer is not sending out the identical post to the same networks.

“Sometimes social media feeds can be filled with repetitive posts, but marketers just don’t have the time or resources to create multiple versions of the content that needs to be shared,” said Colin Walsh, general manager of Clearview Social. “AI can scan the headline and caption of a post to auto-generate similar yet unique posts that bring an effortless, creative flair to marketing efforts.”

In a demonstration last week, Walsh showed me how a marketer in a law firm might use Social Shuffle. Within Clearview Social, the marketer can create a social media post or use ChatGPT to generate one.

Once the post is created, the marketer can then use Social Shuffle to generate a variation, conveying the same message but in different words. The marketer can do this once or multiple times.

After the user has created the desired number of variations, the user clicks save and Clearview Social distributes them to the attorneys on a round-robin basis, equally dividing the different posts among the attorneys.

It remains up to the attorneys to decide whether to share the post publicly. However, Clearview Social also has a feature by which partners in a firm can opt to have the firm’s marketers post on their behalf.

Clearview Social also has an AI-driven feature that predicts the best time to send out a post, based on historical post performance for the attorney and firm.

Clearview Social was launched in 2014 by Adrian Dayton, a social marketing consultant. In 2021, Dayton sold Clearview Social to ProfitSolv, the company that owns legal technology products such as Rocket Matter, CosmoLex, Tabs3 and TimeSolv.

In a recent post about Rocket Matter’s integration of ChatGPT, I noted that ProfitSolv is planning to release a series of AI integrations across its product line over the next year. This is the second in that series of releases, Walsh said.

Not long after Clearview Social launched in 2014, I wrote a post critical of it, calling it not an app for sharing, but for “pseudo sharing.”

Later, after talking to founder Dayton and seeing a demonstration, I softened my position, writing, “I can see that it could be a useful adjunct to a lawyer’s social media engagement.”