It will come as no surprise that the roster of legal publishing and tech innovator offerings of Covid-19 resources continues to grow. Fastcase, PacerPro, PubK Law and Tax Notes have new Covid-19 resources.Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg Law mentioned in an earlier post now have added free resources which out from behind the paywall.Well Fastcase has gone “Amazon” – they have basically built a Covid-19 Shopping Mall which includes a gallery of their own resources, affiliates resources, government resources and competitors resources – all for a good cause!

Bloomberg Law has brought their very popular In Focus Covid-19 page out from behind the paywall. There are 3 “trackers ” which provide a survey of court operations during Covid-19, state quarantine and public health laws and Covid-19 related labor laws.The page also provides, news, analysis, regulatory guidance e.g .reporting Covid issues to the SEC. According to Bloomberg Law President Joe Breda “We are committed to continuing to add to this collection, and possibly other features of BLAW in the future.” There also a Bloomberg Law Corona Virus news page That offers great deal of public content as well as a free newsletter.
Fastcase Covid-19 “Mall of American Resources”
Covid Resources “Gallery” Fastcase COO, Steve Errick sent me an email about Fastcase’s Covid-19 efforts. ”We are supporting our bar members by providing them a list of resources including noting where our publishing peers provide unique services.” Docket alarm is tracking recent Covid cases with API links to COVID-19 dockets and filings. They also provide access to cases in Fastcase and “links to our publishing friends like LexBlog, Littler, Skopos, but also where to find it in ALM, Lexis, Wolters Kluwer.” Errick describes this as “a Macy’s helping Gimbell’s moment for all the publishers.”
PacerPro Offers Free Access for Three Months.
Anna McGrane pointed me toward the PacerPro linked in page. PacerPro is offering free, no-commitment access for 3 months to our automated system for distributing your PACER filings. Receive PDFs of new filings in moments by email, and get access to all your PACER documents from any device. Stay on top of your federal court filings, no matter where you work. Questions? Contact us at
PubK Law Crowdsourcing Appeal to the Public Contracts Community.
PubK has launched a Coronavirus COVID-19 Resource Center collecting the most valuable resources for government contracting. These resources are free to the public.
Crowdsourcing Covid-19 . PukLaw is appealing to the government contracts community to help them “crowd source” government documents, articles and blog posts.
“Please help us — and the whole of the government contracting community — by submitting government documents, articles, and blog posts. You can upload them via Pub K’s “Publish With Us” webpage or send them via email to”
Topics should include::• Federal laws, regulations, policies, and guidance• Contract Cost Recovery, Stop Work, Delays, Force Majeure,• Indemnification, P.L. 85-804, Defense Production Act, PREP Act, Fraud & Cyber, Work Force,• Shut Downs.
We look forward to collaborating with you to help clarify things and keep everyone informed during this challenging time.
Tax Notes (Free Covid 19 coverage)
Tax Notes one of the premium tax news and analysis publishers has its Covid-19 coverage outside their paywall, at the Coronavirus Tax Page. Currently the page provides links to 208 Tax Notes articles on tax impact of Covid-19. News stories are added daily. Tax Notes is also offering free trial to Tax Notes on the page. Thanks to Linda Friedman of Tax Notes for bringing this resource to my attention.
Thomson Reuters
Federal Legislative & Regulatory Response website
Tracks the progress of Covid-19 related bills and regulations and provides analytics from Skopos labs.
Free CLE courses from West Legal Ed Center To help attorneys maintain their required CLEs during this time, West Legal Ed Center is opening up over 200 on demand programs for completion at no cost; perfect for work-from-home environments! The programming includes complimentary access to all WLEC internally produced content. CLE certificates available on the site following completion. I could not locate the URL for the Thomson Reuters COVID-19 Outreach Program. But there is a place in the West Legal Ed Center where lawyers and paralegals can register to get free CLE programs.
It is heartening to see the explosion of cooperation and good will across the legal community in this perilous time. Needless to say – stay safe and healthy my friends…