New E-Discovery Tool from CloudNine Inventories and Prioritizes Collected Data

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If the phrase “data wrangling” conjures images in your mind of Stetson-clad riders rounding up horses on the open plains, you probably need read no further in this post. But if you understand the phrase to describe organizing and enriching raw data, then you will be interested to learn of a new tool launched today by the Houston-based e-discovery technology company CloudNine.

CloudNine Data Wrangler is a small-footprint, on-premise software tool designed to inventory and prioritize collected data for enhanced processing decisions and throughput.

CloudNine says it can reveal detailed, actionable insights on PSTs, forensic images, directories, filetypes, and data sizes, shortening project delivery time by reducing and prioritizing data transferred to processing engines and review platforms.

Select source data for a quick view into sizes by file type.

The company says that Data Wrangler will quickly detect and automate the repair of corrupt containers, split large PSTs into smaller, manageable sizes, and create new PSTs without Microsoft Outlook dependencies.

Run multi-threaded Microsoft ScanPST integration, to identify corrupt PSTs and automate the repair process before they can impede data processing.

It can be purchased either bundled with other CloudNine products or as a standalone solution. For those using other CloudNine products, Data Wrangler can automatically transfer selected data to CloudNine Explore for early case assessment and CloudNine LAW for data processing and production.

The software is technology agnostic, CloudNine says, and can export results for processing in many other platforms.

Split source PSTs to create a more manageable output and deliver data to reviewers faster.

“Collected discovery data can be challenging because when it arrives, it’s essentially dark-data,” Jared Greene, product owner at CloudNine, said in a statement. “CloudNine’s development team designed Data Wrangler specifically to provide deep, actionable insight into staged data.”

Data Wrangler is the second new product from CloudNine in 2020.  As I reported here in January, the company introduced CloudNine Collection Manager, a data-extraction tool to defensibly perform native data collections from Office 365 (O365) mailboxes and Microsoft OneDrive cloud storage files.

“After the successful release of Collection Manager, we are proud to launch Data Wrangler, which adds a new dimension to the e-discovery process,” said CloudNine CEO Tony Caputo. “Data Wrangler provides more intelligence to inform the preprocessing stage, optimize downstream workflows, reduce spend, and produce better results.”