New LexisNexis Study Suggests Generative AI May Impact the Attorney-Client Relationship

Tech Law Crossroads
This post was originally published on this site

We perish for lack of knowledge.

LexisNexis today announced the results of a new generative AI survey. The study was based on responses from some 4000+ lawyers. There were also responses from legal professionals and law students. This new Study furthered the findings of LexisNexis’ prior survey back in March of this year of which I have previously written.

The Headlines From the New Survey

The headlines from this additional Study:

*Most lawyers are aware of generative AI and think it will transform the practice.

*Clients expect their outside lawyers to use generative AI, and lawyers in law firms expect their clients to demand it.

*Clients expect their outside lawyers to tell them when and how they use generative AI.

It is the third headline that may cause some tension and disrupt the lawyer client dynamic.

Some Numbers

The initial Study results from March showed 86% of the lawyers were aware of generative; 51% had either already used it or were planning to.

I wrote a piece at the time in which I wondered whether, given that number, lawyers understood the risks and benefits of generative AI. Based on the client’s concerns that their lawyers be transparent with them about use, I wonder if clients now wonder whether their lawyers understand the risks and benefits.

The new study shows some 88% of those surveyed were aware of generative AI. 44% had used it or planned to, which is down a bit from the previous study, perhaps reflecting a greater understanding of the risks of the technology. The new Survey shows 47% believe generative AI will have a significant or transformative effect on the practice of law. 45% think it will have some impact, meaning almost all believe in the power of these tools.
