On LawNext: TIAA’s Gamble on ‘New Law’ Firm Novus Law – A Case Study

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When the financial services organization TIAA faced a high-stakes regulatory matter that could have major implications for the company’s reputation and brand, it needed to quickly get to the core of the matter. While it is unusual for a large enterprise to take on a new partner in a bet-the-company matter, TIAA took a chance, deciding to work with “new law” legal company Novus Law, which specializes in rapidly and efficiently finding the story in complex legal matters.

In this episode of LawNext, we offer a case study. Two of the principals involved in the matter will share the story of how the two companies came to work together, how the matter turned out, and what lessons the experience offers for other enterprises facing complex legal matters. Our guests are:

  • Brad Rogers, chief operations officer and chief of staff for law, government relations, regulatory affairs, and corporate secretary at TIAA.
  • Raymond Bayley, cofounder and CEO of global legal services firm Novus Law.

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This episode of LawNext is generously made possible by our sponsors. We appreciate their support and hope you will check them out.

  • ASG LegalTech, home to the practice management platforms PracticePantherBill4Time, and MerusCase, and e-payments platform Headnote.
  • XIRA.com, where clients find, book and meet with attorneys; and where attorneys get free, fully integrated practice management software.
  • Everlaw, the cloud-based ediscovery platform for law firms, corporations, and government agencies.
  • Law Insider, producer of the show Contract Teardown, where they analyze the contracts that others are talking about.

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