On the One-Year Anniversary of My LawNext Podcast, Here are the Top 10 Most Popular Episodes

This post was originally published on this site

Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of the launch of my podcast LawNext, focused on interviews with the “innovators and entrepreneurs who are driving what’s next in law.”

Starting it was a bit of a gamble. As I explained in another post, Why I’m Signing Off the Podcast I’ve Done for 13 Years, I was walking away from the longest-running legal podcast, one with a large following, to create a new podcast of my own.

There were lots of reasons, which I explained in post, including wanting to be more hands-on and nimble, and wanting the opportunity to work with my son, Ben Ambrogi, who is my producer and engineer.

I also, frankly, wanted to see if I could make some money from the podcast, something I had not done in 13 years of podcasting. In that regard, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the practice management company MyCase, which has been a sponsor of the show virtually from the start and continues as one today. Thanks also to the other companies that have advertised over the year.

In marking one year, I thought it would be interested to go back and see which of the episodes were most popular. I am not surprised that the single-most popular episode was my interview with Mark Britton, founder of Avvo. It was Britton’s first in-depth interview after selling the company he’d founded a dozen years earlier. As he reflects on the history of the company and his ongoing battles with the bar, you can hear the passion and emotion in his voice.

I have enjoyed every show and have been honored by the individuals who have agreed to be my guests. A big thanks to all of them.

And now … drum roll please … my 10 most popular episodes:
