Punt’s Prediction: A Scary Future for Some Law Firms

Tech Law Crossroads
This post was originally published on this site

As most of you know, this year’s ILTA conference is totally virtual. I don’t know whether it’s the outstanding content, the innovative approaches ILTA has rolled out or whether I’m just used to living virtually, but I’ve been impressed (more on this later).   Yesterday’s keynote (there is a keynote every morning) was a nuts and bolts discussion about law firms’ future. The presenter was Richard Punt, former CEO of Peerpoint. He  has a long history in legal and is now the Chief Legal Strategist and Market Development for Thomson Reuters. He has a ringside seat to what is going on in the legal industry both for in house counsel and law firms. His predictions for the future due to the ongoing changes in the industry and COVID should cause many law firms to think long and hard about where they are and where they are going. (As I have discussed before, the leaders of many law firms don’t lower themselves to attend conferences like this, so how information like this filters up may in and of itself separate the sheep from the goats).

  To jump ahead, Punt’s 6 predictions for the future due, in part to COVID:

  1. The demand for legal services will be reshaped. Increased government intervention. Changes in company operating models. Changes in winners and losers in the business marketplace as we move to an increasingly virtual world and away from a physical one. All these changes, according to Punt,