Reminder: A Chance For You To Share Your Legal Tech Insights And Possibly Win A Gift Card

This post was originally published on this site

Here’s a possible win-win: Share your legal tech knowledge or experiences with the legal community and possibly win a gift card for doing so.

Two weeks ago, we announced a unique campaign to encourage writers to contribute to the resources library of the LawNext Legal Technology Directory.

Contribute an article during February and put yourself in the running to earn a gift card.

Details are in my prior post, and full details and instructions on submitting articles are available at this page, but here is the short version:

  • We are building up our library of freely accessible practical articles on legal tech.
  • We welcome articles by experts in legal tech as well as by legal professionals who use the tech.
  • As an incentive for you to contribute, we are offering gift cards to the authors whose articles get the most views within the first two weeks after publication.
  • The article must be submitted by the last day of February.

You can find more details about the giveaway, as well as on how to pitch and submit an article, at this page