Remote Work & Cloud Computing: Driving Lawyers to Like Tech

Tech Law Crossroads
This post was originally published on this site

While we may not yet know the long-term viability of remote work in legal, a new MyCase Survey confirms that remote work has accelerated legal’s use of the cloud. And remote work tools and the use of the cloud have led legal professionals to the greater use of technology and an appreciation for what it can do.


At its first-ever customer conference yesterday, the practice management company MyCase announced the results of its inaugural Survey. The Survey is entitled MyCase 2021 Legal Industry Report: Lessons Learned from the Pandemic. The goal of the Survey was to look at how the pandemic has affected law firms and their operations. More importantly, the Survey shows how the pandemic and remote work has affected their use of and comfort with technology and change.


The results, while not exactly surprising, do merit a look. The key takeaway for me: remote work is driving lasting technological change. A change that may outlast the phenomenon of remote work itself.


First, the breadth of the Survey: MyCase talked to over 2000 legal professionals between August 31, 2021, and September 9, 2021. 47% were partners, 11% were associates, 22% were paralegals, 7% were office managers. Pretty good cross-section. More importantly, the respondents primarily came from small to mid-size law firms. 45% were from firms with two-five lawyers, 33% were solos, 12% were from firms of six-ten lawyers. A good snapshot of what’s going on in firms of these smaller sizes.

The cloud is now the norm


The main finding: remote work here to stay. No secret there. But looking at numbers does reveal some interesting facts. The second main finding: the cloud is now the norm. In my view, both will drive the future of law as lawyers and law firms become more