The American Association of Law Libraries to Host 1st Virtual Conference July 13th-17th: Register Now

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OK sitting in your improvised home office (bedroom, dining room, fire escape, patio,basement, closet) will not be the same as swinging through the steamy streets of the French Quarter in July.  B-u-u-u-u-t  AALL has valiantly forged ahead  with a virtual  Unmasking Our Potential themed conference which will be available to members and non members at a significantly reduced cost while offering a powerful roster of speakers and topics. The conference  has been adjusted to address the changed circumstances of members as the result of COVID-19. There will also be a vendor event called “partner solutions day” on July 13th.  Member registration is $99, Student and retired members attend for free. Don’t miss this historic and unique event! Register here!


Here is the full AALL Press Release:

The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) is excited to announce that registration is now open to all for its virtual conference being held July 13-17AALL 2020 Reimagined with the theme “Unmasking Our Potential” has a new meaning today!
The AALL 2020 virtual conference will feature a virtual exhibit hall and livestreamed sessions covering topics of value to legal information professionals right now, including: enhancing research services, supporting law librarianship as a career, navigating remote work, and adapting to and preparing for a profession changed by COVID-19.

The event will begin with a partner solutions day on Monday, July 13, where registrants can explore and connect with providers of products and services that legal information professionals need. Livestream sessions will kick off on Tuesday, July 14, including an interview with AALL President Michelle Cosby and keynote speaker Jim Kwik, mental coach and advisor to many of the world’s leading CEOs and celebrities.

“AALL is committed to providing its members with continued educational resources and finding innovative ways to continually advance law librarianship and the legal information profession,” said AALL President Michelle Cosby. “The AALL Virtual Conference will be the first of its kind for the Association and a creative solution to this year’s in person Annual Meeting, which was canceled as a result of the pandemic. We’re looking forward to the conversations with our extensive list of speakers and vendors, as well as our interview with keynote speaker Jim Kwik, who is sure to provide invaluable insight to conference attendees.”

Kwik is the founder of Kwik Learning and a widely recognized expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning. In addition to the keynote, the AALL Virtual Conference will include over 20 live education sessions, as well as a virtual exhibit hall where conference registrants and vendors can interact and discuss the changes to products for law libraries as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants will be able to ask questions via live chat or submit questions in advance of the conference. In the week following the conference, approximately 30 prerecorded sessions will be available for viewing.

With the focus of being a valuable educational resource still available to participants even during a pandemic, the AALL Virtual Conference is an affordable way for both AALL members and nonmembers to enhance their skills and knowledge as legal information professionals.

For more information about the AALL Virtual Conference or to register, visit