Trellis Promises “Google for Analytics” – Launches State Court Analytics For New York, Texas and Florida

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Today Trellis,an AI powered state court analytics platform is announcing expanded coverage to trial courts throughout New York Florida and Texas. Trellis launched a California database in in March 2018 with $2 M seed funding. The legal market has clearly responded to the marketplace of analytics products which have sprung up over the past five years. State court coverage remains a challenge. The thing that appears to make Trellis different is that it collects not only data but documents from all the courts it covers. It offers an analytics dashboard and a motion library.

In a recent article in Techlaw Crossroads , Trellis Founder and CEO  Nicole   Clark is quoted as saying “we want Trellis to be the Google of state court trial court analytics. It enables lawyer to search across all of the documents.” Like other analytics products Trellis data can be used to develop litigation strategy, pitch strategy, assess opponents litigation history as well as a judge’s motion history.

Trellis leaders have made an interesting strategic decision. Since they will focus only on state cases not federal cases they limiting their archival coverage and building forward. The rationale is that state court judges tend to have shorter terms on the bench since they are not appointed for life.  This limited history may work for judges, but it will be helpful to have a deeper archive for  law firm, party  and motion data.  I could not find coverage dates for each court on the Trellis website.

Alon Schwartz co-founder and CPO of Trellis is quoted in the press release  stating that they “use multi layered classification algorithms to seamlessly surface the most meaningful information to the user.”

New York, Florida and Texas. They are offering 2 million cases across 28 New York State Counties including counties of New York City and the surrounding metropolitan area.They have 3.5 million cases from Florida and I counted 58 counties in their press release. I counted 36 counties in Texas which the press release says includes 3 million cases.

The Trellis Dashboard

Research Features:

Trellis supports multi state research on opposing counsel and other parties.

The platform allows you to compare judges motion grants compared to the county and the state.

Motion Library included which provides examples of  motions as well as state courts judges ruling on those motions.

Cases can be filtered by parties council court or matter type.

Free Trial Trellis is offering a two week free trial. Trellis is an interesting addition to the state court analytics landscape, I will be keeping my eye out for new developments.