Want To Be a Successful Lawyer? Be More Like Amazon. Here’s Ten Ways

Tech Law Crossroads
This post was originally published on this site

If you want to be a successful lawyer, work hard at identifying and eliminating your clients’ pain points.


This past Sunday, I decided I wanted a small tabletop Christmas tree for my office. After all, ’tis the season. I went online and was immediately faced with a confusing and irritating search (Tabletop Christmas trees not readily indexed on several sites). But, I finally found one at a big box store nearby. I could get it delivered by Monday afternoon, but what the hell, I could also drive over and big it up immediately, right? Wrong.


I got to the store, and it was packed. Of course, it was impossible to find the trees, especially tabletop ones. When I got to the right spot, there were no trees, even though the website said the store had several in stock.


But by now, I had some time invested and thought I would try another big box. Again, long search at a second store but Eureka! They had them! But the checkout line stretched for miles. I decided to return the next day, hoping the line would be shorter. After two days and several hours, I had my tree.


But I could have ordered the damn thing online to begin with and would have had it the next day anyway.


The whole experience reiterated to me the value of online shopping. It’s just easier. Online sellers have made it so easy. One click and your order is on its way. You get it in a day which hardly makes driving to the store worth it. And if you don’t like what you got, the seller (ok, Amazon) will email you a label, and if you ask, even come and pick it up. Going to a real store is,