Webinar Today: Making Malpractice Insurance Less Painful through Tech

This post was originally published on this site

Eighty percent of lawyers get sued for malpractice at some point in their careers, a startling statistic that underscores why professional liability insurance is a must-have component of a law practice.

But shopping for and buying insurance is a cumbersome process, and paying for it can be downright painful.

So is malpractice insurance a field that tech can disrupt? That is the question that we will explore during a webinar today, When Lawyers Get Sued – Learn How To Protect Your Firm.

Produced by Above the Law and sponsored by insurtech company Embroker, the program will provide an overview of the key areas of exposure for lawyers, what lawyers can do to avoid having claims denied, and how tech can provide an easier and lower-cost alternative for buying insurance.

The principal speaker is Brad Barkin, vice president of law and accounting at Embroker. I will serve as moderator.

The free program is at 1 p.m. Eastern time today (May 28). Register here.