Webinar Tomorrow: Making Smarter Legal Tech Decisions in 2022

This post was originally published on this site

With thousands of legal tech products on the market competing for the attention and dollars of legal professionals, how can consumers make smarter buying decisions?

That is the focus of a webinar I will moderate tomorrow, Making Smarter Legal Tech Decisions in 2022, that will feature both legal tech vendors and consumers, together with the CEO of one of the world’s largest software review platforms.

The panel is tomorrow, Jan. 20, at 1 p.m. Eastern time.

The panel will feature Godard Abel, cofounder and CEO of G2, an enterprise software review platform that includes user feedback on thousands of software products, including legal tech products. Abel will discuss current trends he sees distinguishing successful and unsuccessful software products.

Also on the panel will be:

The panel is presented by PacerPro.