X1 Enterprise Now Integrates with RelativityOne for Remote Data Collection

This post was originally published on this site

The companies X1 and Relativity today announced that the X1 Enterprise Platform, which allows remote searching of data on the end-user’s machine, now integrates with RelativityOne Collect, an application for collecting data from various sources and custodians.

The companies say the integration will simplify and streamline the remote collection of electronically stored information from employee laptops, company servers, cloud repositories and applications.

The need for effective tools for remote and web-enabled collections has become even more critical in this time of so many employees working remotely, the companies say.

“The paradigm has shifted from a slow, inefficient, disruptive and cumbersome forensic imaging process to a more seamless workflow that can be handled entirely remotely without disturbing custodians,” they said in statement. ”

The integration of RelativityOne Collect and the X1 Enterprise platform addresses today’s requirements taking collection times from months down to hours or a few days.”

Among the benefits offered by this integration, the companies say, are:

  • Creates a more efficient e-discovery process, moving from legacy, on-premise forensic imaging tools to intelligent, automated, cloud-based software.
  • Eliminates the need for expensive and cumbersome ESI processing tools.
  • Eliminates manual data hand-offs, delivering the pertinent data, relevant to the case far faster and more precisely than any forensic tool.
  • Collects data quickly across multiple custodians, directly importing that data into RelativityOne within minutes.
  • Provides the ability to index in-place, search, analyze and categorize data quickly and release to RelativityOne for review.
  • Supports collection of ESI from Office 365, Slack and Dropbox, as well as email and files on laptops, servers and other network sources.

If you are interested in learning more, X1 and Relativity are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, Feb. 24, where they will offer a live demonstration of the integration.